3D print parts > HG MS-06GD Zaku High Mobility Conversion kit.


  • $20.00
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Brand: NIL
Scale: 1/144
Item: HG MS-06GD Zaku High Mobility Conversion kit.
Package Size: approx to 20 x 10 x 18 cm
Weight: approx to 150g
Expected Release: Q3, 2023

1. Body parts: Waist, Legs and foot parts.
2. Weapon set A: Machine Gun, Heat Saber and Heat Dagger.
3. Weapon set B: Anti-Ship Rifle Shorty, rocket launcher.

* HG Zaku NOT included
* HG GTO MS-06 / MS-06S Zaku required.
* Please note that to assemble the 3D-printed parts, you'll require a pair of sharp nippers for precise cutting and adhesive to securely join them together.

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